What Are the Benefits of Umbrella Insurance?

When it comes to protecting your assets, sometimes your standard insurance policies just aren’t enough. At The Select Insurance Agency, which serves the greater Coppell, TX region, we often recommend umbrella insurance as a way to provide an extra layer of security. But what exactly are the benefits of umbrella insurance? 

Extra Liability Protection

Umbrella insurance kicks in when the liability limits of your home, auto, or boat insurance have been reached. Imagine you’re involved in a major car accident where the medical bills and legal fees exceed your auto policy’s limits. Without umbrella insurance, you could be left paying out of pocket. However, an umbrella policy covers those extra costs.

Coverage Beyond the Norm

Not all situations are covered by traditional insurance policies. Umbrella insurance can extend to incidents like libel, slander, and false arrest. For example, if you’re sued for defamation due to something you posted online, your umbrella policy can cover legal expenses. This is especially important in our increasingly litigious society.

Affordable Peace of Mind

One of the surprising benefits of umbrella insurance is its affordability. Given the extensive coverage it provides, an umbrella policy is relatively inexpensive. This cost-effective solution can safeguard your financial future without breaking the bank.

Protecting Your Future

If you’re liable for a significant amount, your savings, retirement funds, and future earnings could be at risk. Umbrella insurance helps protect these assets, ensuring that an unexpected event doesn’t derail your financial plans.

At The Select Insurance Agency, we believe in comprehensive protection. Umbrella insurance is a wise investment in your peace of mind and financial security. For more information on how umbrella insurance can benefit you, stop by our office in Coppell, TX, or give us a call today to get started.

Does Commercial Insurance Cover My Company Vehicles?

Controlling risk is critical to small business owners who lack the resources of a parent company, so it is good business to use insurance to help manage your risk. Of course, using insurance to manage your business risks requires understanding what your commercial insurance does and does not cover. If you own a small business and want to understand your commercial insurance options better, contact The Select Insurance Agency team in Coppell, TX.

Commercial Versus Commercial Vehicle Insurance

Commercial insurance handles various business risks and is often purchased cafeteria-style. Core commercial insurance policies generally cover commercial property, general liability, and workers’ compensation. Many businesses acquire additional coverage to address risks common to their industry, profession, or range of assets. Commercial vehicle insurance covers motor vehicles used for business purposes and does not automatically come with most commercial policies. Your business needs commercial vehicle insurance if you use motor vehicles as part of conducting your business.

Many small business owners think their personal auto policy covers their risks when using their personal vehicle to take a client to lunch or when an employee uses the owner’s car to make a delivery. However, your personal policy does not cover damage or injuries to others while used for business purposes. Insurance companies may unknowingly cover a fender bender in that circumstance. Still, accidents that result in substantial liability are investigated more thoroughly and not covered when the investigation determines the vehicle use was business-related.

Working with The Select Insurance Agency

The Select Insurance Agency is dedicated to handling small business owner’s business and personal insurance needs in the Coppell, TX, area. Stop in, email, or call us today at (972) 315-7299 to build an insurance plan that protects your business and personal assets.

Important Records for A Workers’ Compensation Insurance Claim

Your responsibility is to keep accurate records of injuries that occur within your business premises. You are required to review these records periodically, as they are necessary to file a workers’ compensation insurance claim.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation insurance safeguards your best interests as a business owner. Once claims are approved, they provide the deserving workers with the required compensation during their recovery period after an injury.

Incident Report

An incident report must be completed as soon as an injury is reported. It should detail the type of injury sustained and the time of the incident. The report should also clarify the protocol followed immediately after the injury was documented.

It may be necessary to provide a copy of each incident report when filing a workers’ compensation insurance claim. Secure storage of these reports facilitates easy retrieval of information required for insurance paperwork submission to your provider.

Medical Documents

An injured employee must receive treatment from a medical doctor. The doctor will record relevant information about the diagnosis and treatment plan.

These medical documents must be submitted when an insurance claim is filed. If an employee needs ongoing treatment, this information must be reported to the insurance provider.

The submitted medical documents will validate an insurance claim. They have a significant role in determining if an employee will be granted workers’ compensation benefits.

Contact The Select Insurance Agency

Feel free to contact our agent who serves Coppell, TX. One of our friendly agents from The Select Insurance Agency will provide you with additional information about workers’ compensation policies and insurance claims.

Three Important Toy Insurance Coverages When Insuring Boats, RVs, or Four-Wheelers

Whether you’re navigating waterways, traveling cross-country, or exploring rugged trails around Coppell, TX, securing the right toy insurance coverages for your boat, RV, or four-wheeler is essential. At The Select Insurance Agency, we understand the unique needs of insuring these fun vessels and vehicles.

1. Physical Damage Coverage

Physical damage coverage is foundational, providing general protection against damage to your boat, RV, or four-wheeler. In the event of an accident, natural disaster, or theft, physical damage coverage will likely pay to repair or replace your vehicle. Other perils are often covered, too.

2. Liability Insurance

Liability coverage normally covers injuries and property damage in an accident you’re responsible for. It might provide protection if someone on your boat drowns, if a passenger on your four-wheeler gets a concussion, or if your RV causes a pile-up on the freeway.

At The Select Insurance Agency, we frequently recommend high liability insurance limits because lawsuits, medical treatment, and property repairs can be expensive. One of our agents can work with you to determine precisely what liability limits make sense in your situation.

3. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

While you may take every precaution necessary, not all drivers or boaters carry adequate insurance. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage may protect in scenarios where others are at fault but lack sufficient coverage to compensate you for damages or injuries. 

Protect Your Recreational Toy with Confidence

At The Select Insurance Agency, we’re dedicated to helping the residents of Coppell, TX enjoy their recreational toys without worry. Contact us today to discuss what toy insurance options would make sense for your boat, RV, or four-wheeler.

Must-Have Solar RV Gear

Solar power is an excellent addition to an RV, allowing you to head to even the most remote locations and have power. Solar power will enable you to travel around and still have access to energy to operate small electronics and certain appliances. The Select Insurance Agency in Coppell, TX, offers tips for the best gear to connect to a solar system.

Operating Small Devices

Smaller electronic devices can be run on a 100- to 200-W solar panel. Cell phones, laptops, LED lighting, radios, and desktop computers, depending on their size, can be charged. These are handy to have for weekends or longer periods on the road.

Entertainment Systems

In addition to a radio, owners can connect to an energy-efficient television. These can be connected to cable boxes or a satellite dish, giving watchers a wide range of viewing options. This is wonderful to have on rainy days to keep the kiddos entertained. Gaming systems can also be connected.

Running the A/C and Kitchen Appliances on Solar Energy

Solar panels can easily run on ceiling, window, and floor fans but can also allow the use of an air conditioner. Depending on the amps used and size, about 200 W of solar energy is required. You’ll also need a battery bank and an inverter. It’s also possible to have a refrigerator hooked up to solar, but larger units require at least 250 W of batteries. However, small kitchen appliances like microwaves, toasters, blenders, coffee pots, and garbage disposals can be used.

Need Protection for Your RV? Our Agents Can Help

Here at The Select Insurance Agency In Coppell, TX, we know how much many people enjoy spending time outdoors in the vast expanses of the Lone Star State. The weather here can be dramatic in some areas, making RVs a popular option for those ready to hit the road and travel in comfort. We offer recreation vehicle insurance and can cover expenses related to damages to the unit itself and certain add-ons like solar panels. Contact us today to learn more.

Plan, Prepare, and Stay Protected with Auto Insurance

Driving safely doesn’t happen by mistake, and safe drivers take definitive measures to avoid and minimize the risks of getting involved in an accident. That is also why many drivers in places like Coppell, TX take the time to plan, prepare, and stay protected with auto insurance solutions – just in case. If you live in or around the beautiful Coppell, TX area and have questions or need auto insurance, the professional and experienced team at The Select Insurance Agency is here to help.

Planning, Preparing, and Staying Protected on the Road

Drivers who use planning, preparation, and the protection auto insurance offers are not only less likely to have an accident on the roadways but also protected if they ever do. Safe drivers hit the road with a plan and plan ahead. Safe drivers are also prepared before getting behind the wheel and practice being alert, aware, and cautious. 

Even the safest drivers, though, can become victims of negligent, impaired, or distracted drivers or even unavoidable circumstances. Safe drivers also benefit from being prepared with the protection of the right auto insurance solutions for their needs and vehicles. With planning, thoughtful preparation, and auto insurance protection, drivers can be safer and drive safer every time they get behind the wheel.

Auto Insurance in Coppell

If you live in the greater Coppell, TX, area and have questions, would like to learn more about auto insurance options, or need coverage for you and your vehicle, we can help. Contact us to find out more and get the protection and auto insurance solutions you need and deserve with The Select Insurance Agency today.

Why should i insure my Texas property?

Owning real estate in the Coppell, TX area has been a good investment for many people. When you are going to buy a home, you need to be careful and diligent. One great choice you can make when purchasing a home is getting the right insurance. You will want to have this coverage for various reasons. 

Receive Helpful Coverage

One of the main reasons to ensure you always have home insurance when you are in Texas is to receive helpful coverage. A home insurance plan will offer a variety of forms of coverage, including liability insurance, property coverage, and personal property insurance. Whether you are named liable in a claim, experience damage from a fire, are a victim of theft or experience any other type of issue, you will know you are supported. 

Comply with Obligations

It is also important to get home insurance so you can comply with any obligations. There are many scenarios when home insurance will be necessary. If you have taken out a mortgage or live in a home association, lenders and association rules obligate you to carry home insurance. You will remain in good standing with all such obligations when you have a proper home insurance plan.

It is always a good idea to have a home insurance plan when you are in the Coppell, TX, area. When you are looking for a new plan, you can begin the process by working with our team at The Select Insurance Agency. Our team knows the value of this coverage and will offer the help you need to create your new plan. This can ensure you are covered and in good standing with all requirements. 

How Umbrella Insurance Protects Your Assets

Owning a house and a car often symbolizes significant investments and important assets. As key aspects of modern life, they warrant vigorous protection. One effective method is through home and auto insurance. Another level of protection comes from umbrella insurance, which provides financial security and prevents your assets from risk exposure. For all your umbrella insurance needs in Coppell, TX, contact us at The Select Insurance Agency.

Understanding The Benefits Of Umbrella Insurance

Additional Coverage

While home and auto insurance are essential in safeguarding your assets, they may not provide exhaustive protection. Such insurance policies come bundled with liability coverage, which is indispensable in the event of accidents and injuries. However, many individuals discover that the liability coverage in their home and auto policies is insufficient. Maxing out your coverage can leave you with substantial medical bills to pay. This scenario might compel you to sell your assets to cover these costs. Umbrella insurance resolves this issue, furnishing extra liability coverage for your home and auto policies. Moreover, it provides a high maximum payout.

Cost Saving

Obtaining comprehensive protection for yourself and your assets necessitates more liability coverage than that typically offered in home and auto insurance. Adding directly to these policies may create additional financial strain. Umbrella insurance is a budget-friendly option providing extensive coverage.

Why You Should Opt For Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance is integral to protecting yourself and your assets. Call us at The Select Insurance Agency in Coppell, TX to get started.

How Life Insurance Protects Your Family’s Future

Secure Your Family’s Future with Life Insurance

Securing your family’s future transcends the basics, and life insurance is fundamental to that process. If you are in the Coppell, TX area and considering taking a policy, The Select Insurance Agency is equipped to guide you. You no longer have to grapple with such important decisions alone. Our team of trusted agents is committed to simplifying your life insurance experience.

The Benefits of a Life Insurance Policy

Getting a life insurance policy provides you with an assortment of options. For instance, you can choose between whole life and term life policies. You also have the flexibility to select your preferred level of coverage. By collaborating with an agent, you can get all your queries answered and fully understand which policy aligns with your needs. Plus, if your needs evolve, you can always adjust your policy to keep it updated, affording you continuous peace of mind.

An insurance policy gives your family peace of mind as it provides additional security, especially in your absence. Although discussions surrounding death are generally deemed uncomfortable, it is essential to ensure your family is well protected. A key aspect of that protection is having a comprehensive insurance policy to maintain a reliable standard of living for your family post-departure.

Connect with The Select Insurance Agency

If you are in the Coppell, TX, area and seeking dependable life insurance, contact The Select Insurance Agency. We will guide you in finding the right policy for your needs, allowing you to focus on enjoying your life. Contact us today.

How Workers Comp Benefits Employees

Understanding Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is a crucial yet often confusing topic for many employers and employees. As a primary requirement for most employers, it offers significant benefits to both parties involved. Select Insurance Agency in Coppell, TX aims to demystify the concept of workers’ compensation insurance and its advantages for employers and employees alike.

The Essence of Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is a win-win insurance program. It presents the provision of legal defense to employers in case a worker sustains an injury in the course of their duties. The determination of premium rates partly depends on the employer’s previous claim records and the inherent risks present in their specific industry. When more claims are filed, it’s often a sign that the workplace could be safer, leading to increased rates for the employer.

Benefits to Employees

Employees reap several benefits from this insurance plan. Knowledge of wage security in case of an injury boosts their confidence while performing job duties. If injured, the worker’s income is protected throughout their healing period, paving the way for their eventual return to work. The program further encompasses provisions for those who might succumb to permanent disability.

Creating a Safer Work Environment

Due to the influencing role of workplace safety in employer premium rates, employees indirectly benefit from enhanced safe working conditions. In a nutshell, workers’ compensation insurance provides workers the dual advantage of income protection in the wake of a workplace injury and a safer work environment.

Contact Select Insurance Agency for a Workers’ Comp Quote Today

If you’re an employer in the Coppell, TX area and need to discuss your workers’ comp insurance policy or obtain a no-obligation quote, contact us at Select Insurance Agency. We’re ready to answer any questions and guide you toward cost-effective coverage solutions. We can also assist in finding strategies to decrease your claims and reduce your out-of-pocket expenses. Connect with Select Insurance Agency today to ensure a secure working environment.