Choosing a Car for your Coppell Teen Driver

Choosing the right car for your Coppell teen driver may not be easy. There are many things to take into account, such as safety and cost.

The top priority when buying a car for your teen is passenger safety. Since teens are already new to driving, and not completely secure on the road, getting the safest vehicle is a must. The car should be equipped with all important safety features including airbags and blind spot monitoring systems. Since small, compact cars can be less safe in an accident and large SUVs with many passengers can be distracting, midsized sedans may be a good choice for new drivers.

For a credible source on automotive reliability, check out JD Power’s awards. Once you have narrowed down your list, look at forums dedicated to specific cars. You can communicate with other drivers about their experience with that car’s reliability.

New or Used
Once you have decided that you want to purchase a car the question becomes “New or used?” One pro to buying a used car is the more reasonable price range. However, this might be partially offset by repair costs. If you buy a used car make sure all of the safety features are still intact and remember to run a Vehicle History Report on any used car.

Use it as a Teaching Tool
Use this opportunity to inform your teen about the dangers of driving and the responsibilities of owning a car. Check out the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Teen Drivers Guide for more tips on all the things to be aware of as a teen driver. Also, the financial aspect of owning a car can be used as a teaching tool for your teens as with a cost-splitting system, they will have to manage their own budget to pay for associated costs like gas and repairs.

Avoid Accidents By Staying Awake On The Roads

When you’re driving in Coppell, Texas, it’s important to always focus on the roads. Even when you’re a good driver, accidents can happen. You may not be aware of all of your surroundings because of being drowsy. This is why it’s a good idea to make sure you can stay awake at all times.

Approximately 60% of all adult drivers say they have driven while drowsy and approximately 37% have actually fallen asleep at the wheel. This is very dangerous and leads to around 100,000 crashes every single year.

If you’re too tired to drive, admit this to yourself before ever getting behind the wheel. Ask someone else to do the driving or pull over at a hotel for the night. Whenever you are doing long distance driving, it’s smart to drive with a partner so you can alternate driving. If you start to get sleepy, it’s best to admit it so you don’t get into an accident.

It’s not just other drivers on the road that you have to worry about when driving. You could veer off the side of the road, hit a tree, or swerve into oncoming traffic. Any of these scenarios can be fatal and it’s not worth the risk.

You want to make sure you have the right amount of coverage on you and your car when you take to the road. However, all the coverage on the road isn’t going to help if you fall asleep and get into a fatal accident.

Stay awake. It’s the easiest way to avoid accidents when you’re driving in Coppell.

Call and talk to one of our independent agents at The Select Insurance Agency today to learn about auto insurance. We can get quotes from multiple companies and guide you towards a policy with sufficient coverage at a good price.

BBQ And Safety Go Hand In Hand

Spending time out at the BBQ is one of the most fun things about being a homeowner. When you’re in Coppell, Texas the weather can be great throughout many parts of the year. You can have the fun while maintaining safety at the same time.

If you decide to BBQ out on the grill, you want to be safe as a way of protecting your home. While you can have a homeowners’ insurance policy to protect you against smoke and fire damage, the best way to protect your home is to avoid these things entirely.

Keep the grill a fair distance away from your home. You want to bring it outside of any kind of enclosed patio so that the fumes have a place to go. It will also ensure that there is no smoke damage on the walls or ceilings of the enclosure.

You also want to make sure the grill is cleaned after each use. If you don’t scrub the surfaces with a wire brush from time to time, there can be clogs. This can lead to an obstruction of the burners or cause the electronic ignition not to light properly.

It’s also important to never leave the grill unattended. You never know when a flame could dart out or something could fall into the grill, causing a fire. By watching the grill, you can catch problems immediately.

Whether you’re cooking on a gas or a charcoal grill, the safety needs to be in place. This will make it easier for you to enjoy your time at the BBQ and ensure that your house is being kept safe throughout the entire process.

Call and talk to The Select Insurance Agency today. We can help you find a great homeowner’s insurance policy that provides all the coverage that you need at a price that you can afford.